As a young company, we are in the process of obtaining the Organic farming certificate, as well as the Fair trade certificate, meanwhile, the certifications that our supplying partner obtained attest to the rigor of our work, compliance with the strictest international standards and the quality of our products. Thus, the suppler is certified in:
Organic farming Ecocert since 2007
Fairtrade by Flocert
Our supplying partner is working to obtain FSSC 22000 certification , which guarantees a food safety management system to control hazards, minimize risks and ensure safe food production.
Ecocert Organic farming Certification
Ecocert organic farming certification procedure begins with a description of the company that also covers the possibility of correct separation in space or time of organic production from conventional production. The description must include the processes involved in production of, the ingredients used in and the labeling of all organic products. The Ecocert auditor verifies the description and compliance with the requirements of the Organic Regulation. They carry out an announced inspection once a year; in addition, unannounced inspections may also be conducted. During the inspections, they check purchases, storage, production processes, recipes, balance of quantities, labeling, preventative measures to avoid contamination or co-mingling.
FLOCERT fair trade Certification
Fair trade ensures that small-scale farmers and workers in developing countries around the world have the opportunity to earn a sustainable living. An alternative to conventional trade, Fair trade guarantees that producers receive a minimum price for their Fair trade products and a premium payment, which they commit to investing into their businesses and communities. Within the Fair trade system Flo Cert’s role is very clear. They carry out independent inspections of producers and traders around the world to verify that they’re complying with the Fair trade Standards.